Earth Day Celebration During Covid-19 Pandemic
The 50th anniversary of Earth Day was celebrated on April 22 amidst the coronavirus pandemic. This year’s theme was “climate action.” The unforeseeable global breakout of the novel coronavirus pandemic has likely made this year’s theme more introspective.
The first Earth Day celebration was held on April 22, 1970 in the United States, because it fell between spring break and final exams, allowing a maximum number of college students to attend live events and gatherings.
Fifty years later, it is celebrated in more than 193 countries, making it the world’s largest civic event. The theme for the 50th anniversary is climate action. It is an enormous challenge — but also means incredible opportunity for action on climate change.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Earth Day celebrations were dramatically different this year, which some are calling the first Digital Earth Day. It is no less meaningful as people observed the day by taking advantage of many online options or activities at home that are relevant for people of all ages.
Even though we are all required to physically distance from neighbours, family, and friends, we can continue to connect with the outside world. Our hope is that this Earth Day, families, and individuals can find new ways to digitally reconnect with nature together.
Although no definite source of the pandemic has been confirmed, and many hypotheses are being discussed, an environmental angle behind this outbreak, or its intensity, cannot be rejected outright, at this stage. Linking the outbreak of Covid-19 to illegal poaching activities or a high death rate to air pollution are some widely-discussed hypotheses about its origin and effects. Whatever the reason behind this, the time has come to think more seriously about our economic activities and the environment.
We need to understand that a healthy environment is a prerequisite for a healthy life on Earth. Our very survival depends on the environment. Our economic activities are also dependent on the environment – directly or indirectly. Degrading or destroying the environment poses a threat to human economic welfare and humanity’s very survival.
Of the three types of available capital – i.e. built capital, human capital, and natural capital – that are essential for economic activities, the latter assumes high importance. This is not just for its role as the supplier of inputs to production or providing final goods and services for human consumption, but also its role as the ultimate assimilation of our residuals. Both of these services are vital for human survival and nourishment on this earth. With the degradation of the environment, the smooth supply of both of these essential services will see some serious disruptions.
So let us keep the light burning within us and each one of us pledge to ourselves that we will protect our Earth and to protect Earth we would protect our natural capital.
Dear All, Once Again Indian National Bar Association wishes you all Happy Earth Day, Stay Safe, Save Earth and Save Yourself!