The Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Legal World

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The legal world is undergoing a profound transformation due to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). These technological advancements have brought both opportunities and challenges to the legal profession. This article explores the impact of AI on the legal world, its applications, concerns, and the future of law firms.

Understanding AI and Its Role in the Legal World:

AI is the ability of machines to emulate human intelligent behavior, including tasks that involve reasoning, learning, and decision-making. Machine learning involves machines improving their performance by analyzing new data, and NLP facilitates human-machine interactions. These technologies have found applications in various legal tasks, from document review to legal research and data analysis.[1]

Law Firms & Lawyers:

AI technology has revolutionized the legal industry by offering opportunities to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. It can automate routine tasks like document review, contract analysis, and legal research. This boosts productivity and profitability for law firms. However, AI is not yet equipped to handle complex tasks like negotiation and courtroom representation. The adoption of AI may impact billable hours for law firms, and smaller firms may face financial challenges in implementing AI systems.[2]

Indian Judiciary:

Even the Indian judiciary has embraced AI, with the Supreme Court using AI tools to process information and make it available to judges for decision-making. These tools aid judges by providing valuable insights and translating legal documents between English and vernacular languages. In some cases, AI like ChatGPT has been referenced to gain a broader perspective, but it does not make decisions or express opinions on case merits.

Separation of AI and Human Judges:

To address the challenges of co-robotics, where AI and humans share decision-making responsibilities, a clear separation between AI and human judges is essential. This separation, however, raises questions about the authority and decision-making power of AI. When AI and human judges produce differing results, determining the final verdict becomes complex. The integration of AI should aim to complement human judgment rather than replace it entirely.[3]

Selected Designs of AI Assistance in the Judiciary:

AI can serve different roles in the legal system, from being a “Library” to assist in legal research to an “Advocate General” presenting arguments and an “Official with Limited Judicial Powers” providing preliminary legal decisions. Each role serves distinct functions while remaining institutionally separate.[4]

The Symbiotic Interface of AI & Robotics with Law:

AI and robotics are rapidly transforming the legal landscape. The integration of autonomous artificial agents into legal proceedings has the potential to introduce a paradigm shift. This raises questions about granting legal rights to AI entities, which challenges traditional legal and philosophical perspectives.[5]

The Ethical Dilemma:

The increasing prevalence of AI technology has raised ethical concerns. Questions about attributing rights and responsibilities to machines have emerged. Traditional human rights frameworks may not be adequate for addressing the unique ethical considerations posed by AI and robots. Concepts like dignity, conscience, and rationality that underpin human rights may need to be adapted for machines.

Concerns Regarding AI in Due Diligence:

There are concerns about AI replacing lawyers entirely. While AI enhances efficiency and accuracy, it cannot replace the nuanced decision-making, analysis, and representation provided by lawyers. Client preferences vary, and issues such as software failure, lack of proper training, and questions about attorney-client privilege need to be addressed.[6]

Addressing Biases in AI:

AI systems are not immune to biases, which may influence decision-making. Addressing and mitigating these biases in AI is crucial for its integration into the legal system. For example, risk assessment software has exhibited racial bias in predicting criminal activity.

Regulation and Education:

Law schools are introducing courses to prepare future legal professionals for AI’s complexities. These courses address challenges and aim to enhance the efficiency of legal practice through automated document generation, research, and data analysis. Legal systems should evolve to ensure that justice is informed by AI-enabled tools.[7]

International Implications:

The integration of AI and robots has significant legal implications at the international level. Legislation like the European Parliament’s Artificially Intelligent Act (AIA) acknowledges the potential harm AI can cause to fundamental rights but has shortcomings in providing remedies for violations and ensuring human oversight in AI decision-making processes.[8]


AI has had a profound impact on the legal world, offering efficiency, accuracy, and cost reduction. However, it is not a substitute for lawyers but a complementary tool. As the legal industry embraces AI, it must adapt to ensure equal access to technology and provide education on new technologies for aspiring lawyers. The path to the “robot lawyering era” is still distant, with many questions and challenges yet to be addressed.



1. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Disruption: A New Model for Analysis.

Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Disruption: A New Model for Analysis, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).

2. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice.

Frank S. Levy, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice, 33 Oxford Rev. Econ. Policy 465 (2017).

3. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession.

Richard Tromans, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession, 32 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 695 (2011).

4. Artificial Intelligence and the Law: The Impact of AI on Legal Practice and the Rule of Law.

John Danaher, Artificial Intelligence and the Law: The Impact of AI on Legal Practice and the Rule of Law, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).

5. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Legal Profession: A Critical Analysis.

Joshua A. Kroll, Joanna Huey, Lauren Feldmen, David Autor, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Legal Profession: A Critical Analysis, 33 Oxford Rev. Econ. Policy 465 (2017).

6. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession: A Survey of Literature.

Richard Tromans, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession: A Survey of Literature, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).

[1] Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Disruption: A New Model for Analysis, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).

[2] Frank S. Levy, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice, 33 Oxford Rev. Econ. Policy 465 (2017).

[3] ibid

[4] Richard Tromans, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession, 32 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 695 (2011).

[5] John Danaher, Artificial Intelligence and the Law: The Impact of AI on Legal Practice and the Rule of Law, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).

[6] Joshua A. Kroll, Joanna Huey, Lauren Feldmen, David Autor, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Legal Profession: A Critical Analysis, 33 Oxford Rev. Econ. Policy 465 (2017).

[7] ibid

[8] Richard Tromans, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Profession: A Survey of Literature, 35 Oxford J. Legal Stud. 185 (2015).


Yash Vats

INBA Student